发布日期:2022-03-09 14:19:36   |  浏览次数:683



 medRxiv (pronounced med-archive) is a free online archive and distribution server for complete but unpublished manuscripts (preprints) in the medical, clinical, and related health sciences. Preprints are preliminary reports of work that have not been certified by peer review. They should not be relied on to guide clinical practice or health-related behavior and should not be reported in news media as established information.

   medRxiv is for the distribution of preprints - complete but unpublished manuscripts - that describe human health research conducted, analyzed, and interpreted according to scientific principles. Research articles, systematic reviews and meta-analyses, clinical research design protocols and data articles may be posted. MedRxiv is not intended for case reports (single or in series), narrative reviews (see below), editorials, letters, opinion pieces and hypotheses that lack data, work not premised on modern biology/physiology or allopathic medicine, laboratory protocols/recipes, theses, term papers, textbook excerpts or individual components of research articles such as figures, tables, and datasets.

   medRxiv was founded by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL), a not-for-profit research and educational institution, Yale University, and BMJ, a global healthcare knowledge provider. The server is owned and operated by CSHL. medRxiv provides a platform for researchers to share, comment, and receive feedback on their work prior to journal publication. medRxiv aims to improve the openness and accessibility of scientific findings, enhance collaboration among researchers, document provenance of ideas, and inform ongoing and planned research through more timely reporting of completed research. medRxiv is a non-profit community resource and is not linked to any one publisher or journal.

   Articles on medRxiv are not certified by peer review, edited, or typeset before being posted online. All manuscripts undergo a basic screening process for offensive and/or non-scientific content and for material that might pose a health risk and are checked for plagiarism. No endorsement of a manuscript’s methods, assumptions, conclusions, or scientific quality by CSHL, Yale University, or BMJ is implied by its appearance in medRxiv. A manuscript may be submitted prior to, or concurrently with, submission to a journal but will not be posted if it has already been accepted for publication, published, or posted elsewhere.

   Authors may submit a revised version of a manuscript to medRxiv at any time (prior to the manuscript's acceptance for publication in a journal). Once posted on medRxiv, manuscripts receive a digital object identifier (DOI), so are discoverable, citable, and indexed by numerous search engines and third-party services and cannot be removed. medRxiv reserves the right to decline to post any preprint for any reason.